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"A paper in Economics which is not rejected should not be published"


Ariel Rubinstein

(in reverse chronological order)


  1. "False Narratives and Political Mobilization", joint with Simone Galperti and Rani Spiegler. Journal of the European Economic Associationforthcoming. 
  2. "On Optimal Scheduling", joint with Daniel Fershtman and Alex Frug. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming. 
  3. "How Do Shoppers Respond to Noisy Signals on Price Changes? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Online Supermarket Shopping", joint with Orli Oren-Kolbinger and Sarit Weisburd. Journal of Industrial Economics. Vol. 72, No. 2 pp. 965-995. June 2024. (Supplementary Appendix)
  4. "Should Humans Lie to Machines? The Incentive Compatibility of Lasso and GLM Structured Sparsity Estimators" , joint with Mehmet Caner.  Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 1379–1388. March 2024. (supplementary appendix)
  5. "Toxic Types and Infectious Communication Breakdown", joint with Alex Frug. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 142, pp. 718-729, November 2023. 
  6. "Collective Information Acquisition", joint with Ran Eilat, Journal of the European Economic AssociationVol. 21, No. 4, August 2023 (lead article).
  7. "Capability Building in Sluggish Organizations", joint with Ran Spiegler. Management Science, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 1703-1713. March 2023. (See the accompanying fitness video)
  8. "On Incentive Compatible Estimators", joint with Ran Spiegler, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 132, Pages 204-220, March 2022.
  9. "Cheating with Models", joint with Ran Spiegler and Yair Weiss. American Economic Review: Insights. Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 417-434. December 2021. (Supplementary appendix)
  10. "Bayesian Privacy", joint with Ran Eilat and Xiaosheng Mu. Theoretical EconomicsVol. 16, No. 4, pp. 1557-1663. November 2021.
  11. "On Persuasion with Endogenous Misspecified Beliefs", joint with Ran Spiegler and Heidi Thysen. European Economic Review. Vol. 134. May 2021.
  12. "On Selecting the Right Agent", joint with Geoffroy de Clippel, Daniel Fershtman and Kareen Rozen. Theoretical EconomicsVol. 16, No. 2, pp. 381-402. May 2021(Older version with more results + supplementary appendix)
  13. "Strategic Interpretations", joint with Ran Spiegler and Heidi Thysen. Journal of Economic TheoryVol. 192. March 2021.
  14. "A Model of Competing Narratives", joint with Ran Spiegler. American Economic Review. Vol. 110, No. 12, pp. 3786–3816, December 2020. (Supplementary appendix, corrected proof of Claim 2)
  15. "Incentive-Compatible Advertising on Non-Retail Platforms", Rand Journal of Economics. Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 323-345, Summer 2020 (lead article) - For a cinematic trailer of the paper, see:
  16. "The Model Selection Curse", joint with Ran Spiegler, American Economic Review: InsightsVol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-140, September 2019 (lead article).
  17. "A simple Model of Competition between Teams", joint with Qinggong Wu, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 176, pp. 372-392, July 2018. (Supplementary Appendix).
  18. "Managing Intrinsic Motivation in a Long-Run Relationship", joint with Ran Spiegler, Economics LettersVol. 165, pp. 6-9, April 2018.
  19. "Bilateral Trade with Strategic Gradual Learning", joint with Alex Frug, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 107, pp. 380-395, January 2018.
  20. "Search Design and Broad Matching", joint with Ran Spiegler, American Economic ReviewVol. 106, pp. 563-86, March 2016.
  21. "Multidimensional Ellsberg", joint with Pietro Ortoleva, Management ScienceVol. 62(8). pp. 2179-2197, August 2016(Appendix).
  22. "Beyond 'Ellison's Matrix': New Directions in Behavioral Industrial Organization", joint with Ran Spiegler, Review of Industrial OrganizationVol. 47, pp. 259-272, November 2015 (special issue on behavioral I.O.).
  23. "Strategic Disclosure of Feasible Options”, joint with Geoffroy de Clippel, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 91, pp. 145-165, May 2015. (Online Appendix).
  24. "Premise-Based vs. Outcome-Based Information Aggregation”, joint with Geoffroy de Clippel, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 89, pp. 34-42, January 2015.

  25. "X-Games", joint with Ran Spiegler, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 89, 93-100. January 2015

  26. "Information Disclosure to Cournot Duopolists”, joint with Francoise Forges, Economic Letters, Vol. 126, 167-170, January 2015.

  27.  "Competing for Consumer Inattention“, joint with Geoffroy de Cippel and Kareen Rozen, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 122(6), pp. 1203-1234, December 2014 (lead article).

  28. "A Model of Boundedly Rational 'Neuro' Agents“, joint with Ariel Rubinstein, Economic Theory, Vol. 57(3), 515-528, November 2014.

  29. "On the Selection of Arbitrators", joint with Geoffroy de Clippel and Brian Knight, American Economic Review, Vol. 194(11), 3434-58, November 2014. (Supplemental Appendix).

  30. "On the Fairness of Random Procedures", joint with Ariel Rubinstein, Economic Letters  Vol. 123, 168-170, May 2014.

  31. "Reference-Dependent Preferences and Labor Market Fluctuations", joint with Ran Spiegler, NBER Macroeconomic Annual 2013, Vol. 28 .

  32. "Sending Information to Interactive Receivers Playing a Generalized Prisoners' Dilemma", joint with Roberto Serrano, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 43(2), 245-267, May 2014 (lead article).

  33. "Reason-Based Choice: A Bargaining Rationale for the Attraction and Compromise Effects", joint with Geoffroy de Clippel, Theoretical Economics, Vol.7(1), 125-162, January 2012. (online appendix)

  34. "A Simple Model of Search Engine Pricing", joint with Ran Spiegler, Economic Journal, Vol. 121(556), F329--F339, November 2011. (special feature on internet economics).

  35. "On the Strategic Use of Attention Grabbers", joint with Ran Spiegler, Theoretical Economics, Vol. 6(1), 127–155, January 2011. [Corrigencum, joint with Ran Spiegler and Ting Pei, December 2017]

  36. "Consideration Sets and Competitive Marketing", joint with Ran Spiegler, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 78(1), 235–262, January 2011 [Corrigendum, joint with Ran Spiegler and Tobias Gamp, March 2013].

  37. "Paying for Confidence: An Experimental Study of the Demand for Non-Instrumental Information", joint with Andrew Schotter, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 70(2), 304-324, November 2010.

  38. "Choosing the Two Finalists", joint with Michael Richter and Ariel Rubinstein, Economic Theory, Vol. 46(2), 211-219, February 2011.

  39. "Edgar Allan Poe's Riddle: Framing Effects in Repeated Matching Pennies Games", joint with Ariel Rubinstein, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 71(1), 88-99, January 2011 (special issue in honor of John Nash).

  40. "Bargaining over Bets", joint with Ran Spiegler, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 66(1), 78-97, May 2009.

  41. "Consumer Optimism and Price Discrimination" joint with Ran Spiegler, Theoretical Economics, Vol. 3, 459-497, December 2008.

  42. "Optimal Speculative Trade Among Large Traders", joint with Ran Spiegler, Review of Economic Design, Vol. 12(1), 45-74, April 2008.

  43. "Creating Competition Out of Thin Air: An Experimental Study of Right-to-Choose Auctions", joint with Theo Offerman and Andrew Schotter, Games and Economic Behavior  Vol. 62(2), 383-416, March 2008.

  44. "Experimental Testing of Intrinsic Preferences for Non-Instrumental Information", joint with Andrew Schotter, American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), Vol. 97(2), 166-169, May 2007.

  45. "A Mechanism Design Approach to Speculative Trade", Joint with Ran Spiegler, Econometrica, Vol. 75(3), 875-884, May 2007.

  46. "Group Decision-Making in the Shadow of Disagreement", joint with Debraj Ray and Ronny Razin, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 132(1), 236-273, January 2007.

  47. "Choice Shifts in Groups: A Decision-Theoretic Basis", joint with Debraj Ray and Ronny Razin, American Economic Review, Vol. 96(4), 1321-1332, September 2006.

  48. "Contracting with Diversely Naive Agents", joint with Ran Spiegler, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 73(3), 689-714, July 2006.

  49. "Can Anticipatory Feelings Explain Anomalous Choices of Information Sources?", joint with Ran Spiegler, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 56(1), 87-104, July 2006.

  50. "Indifference or Indecisiveness? Choice Theoretic Foundations of Incomplete Preferences", joint with Efe Ok, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 56(1), 61-86, July 2006.

  51. "Social Aggregators", Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 22(2), 317-330, April 2004.

  52. "AIDS Policy and Psychology: A Mechanism-Design Approach", joint with Andrew Caplin, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 34(2), 631-646, Winter 2003 (lead article in the Symposium on Incentives and Markets in Health Care).

  53. "Nash Equilibrium When Players Account for the Complexity of their Forecasts", Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 44(2), 286-310, August 2003.

  54. "Fault Tolerant Implementation", Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 69(3), 589-610, July 2002.


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